My future car

My future car
Cheak out the body kit on this ride! (better then hendys)

Whos car is better?(I suggest seeing both before voting)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What i did in the holidays

In the holidays I went to the movies to see Pirates of the Carribean At Worlds End. It was great, full of action, mystery, comedy, magic and adventure. If I was to rate the movie I would rate it five stars or ten out of ten. If you love pirate movies and flashing green lights then this is the movie for you. There are some very funny sences, but i'll let you enjoy them when you get to see the movie. If you have seen the second movie, the third one will make more sense. Veiwing movies is not all i did, I went to play in the snowup the hill from where we live. Me and my brother made a snow ball about the size of my leg!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean too. I think Captain Jack is the best character!
Must have been cold if you had snow by your place. Brrrr!

Sydney said...

cool blog Jackson I know this is a bit original because everyone says it

Rebekah said...

you weenie.

from reuben!

Reubarb said...

well howde doo
say what are you gonna be up to in
the holidays

Reubarb said...

U Spelt Feel rong

This term on V.S

This term on V.S
You'r going to fell that in the morning.