My future car

My future car
Cheak out the body kit on this ride! (better then hendys)

Whos car is better?(I suggest seeing both before voting)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jackson's Zoo Tour Guide

Whatch where you step and keep your eyes out, you never know what's going to happen.


Anonymous said...

Good start to the blogging thing! Now, see if you can get some pics and video links on!

Rebekah said...

cool blog

Laugh Out Loud! said...

nice blog jackson

Jackson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jamie-Lee said...

funny blog!!ha ha ha!

Mitch said...

sweet blog Jackson!!

Laugh Out Loud! said...

its a bird its a plane its jacksons zoo blog. =)

Mitch said...


Kurt said...

COOL BLOGE!!! Jackson it is a bit ZOYYY

Mitch said...

How mutch is the zoo tour

Elizabeth said...

nice "new adition to the zoo" jackson.
c u @ school byebye.

kplWhetu said...

Cool blog!

Hendrix said...

nice blog jacko

Zac said...

nice blog

Zac said...


Zac said...

hi u will probele not get this comment so i can say anything bla bla bla

This term on V.S

This term on V.S
You'r going to fell that in the morning.