My future car

My future car
Cheak out the body kit on this ride! (better then hendys)

Whos car is better?(I suggest seeing both before voting)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Update on current events

Been a while sence I last put something on my blog.
Dad's promising me that he'll take me and Adam up to Rainbow Skifield, hopfully twice. Every week he says: "This week's looking perfect." But then later in the week he says: "It's going to be poor whether. It's not going to happen." It's so annoying! But things happen and I find ways to put the situation aside. I trust Dad will find a way. If he doesn't, I don't care to much. He highly recommends me tackling the pro' slop. I'm ready for it. BRING IT ON!
He bought Adam a second pair of skies... I'm not sure why though. They're th same brand, but diferent collour and length.


Reubarb said...

Hello -Haow- Bob Saggot!

Hendrix said...

boy you no my car is better........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Reubarb said...

I voted ur Concept... Way btr than Hendyz "Cube-Car"!

-Haow- Bob Saggot!

Reubarb said...

Ho Ho! The 8th book comes out in: dundundada!: 6 Days, 23 Hours and 12 Minutes! Its Called: The Kings of Clonmin!

Reubarb said...

Go 2 Random

Reubarb said...

Hehe ad a vote da Me pole! plzz!

Reubarb said...

HoPe YoU hAvE aN aWeSoMe ChRiStMaS!!!!!

Reubarb said...

Hullo!!!! hows ya holidays gng? hope ya havin a BLAST!!!!!!

Reubarb said...

by da way, i have all of da Rangers Apprentice books!!!

Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...


Reubarb said...

Jako-Wako! Ho!!!!!!!!! WT R U DNG? HOPE U GOOD!!!! HIGHSCHOOL GOIN GOOD!!!!?!!!!

Reubarb said...

Well Hello, my (giant) minion...
hows school?

This term on V.S

This term on V.S
You'r going to fell that in the morning.