My future car

My future car
Cheak out the body kit on this ride! (better then hendys)

Whos car is better?(I suggest seeing both before voting)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rocks Made of Water

Three day a ago Israelites travelling through the desert had no water to quench their thirts. Sources clam that God told Moses to take his staff in his hand and strike the rock of Horeb. Moses did this and water flowed out of the rock. The Israelites are said to be pleased with the out come


Reubarb said...

Luv Ur story Handsom! LMAO

Laugh Out Loud! said...


Reubarb said...

Hey umm Mum says She could spare some time on Fday IF dat arlrite wif Yu

Zac said...

hi like the story

Reubarb said...

Uno, Dos, Trace, Quatro, Cinco? No

Lol he he he haha

Zac said...

hi wat u been up to

This term on V.S

This term on V.S
You'r going to fell that in the morning.